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Landlord Insurance

Before you find a tenant find great coverage.

Getting the best insurance for rental properties has never been this easy.

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You give tenants a good home. We help you keep it that way.

We think landlords have enough to worry about.  Let us help you find the right policy to minimize your risks—and your rates.

Your property needs to be covered and so do you.

A rental property isn’t the same as a primary residence. Without proper protection, a landlord might be personally liable for damages from accidents or other events. And for many landlords, their rental units may represent a substantial part of their income, assets or retirement. That makes coverage crucial. Landlord insurance policies offer specific limits and options that standard home policies do not. We can help you determine the right coverage for your rental properties and compare rental property insurance quotes so you can operate with total peace of mind.  

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Renter’s policies

By directing your tenants to an affordable Renter’s Policy, you can help them protect their belongings while limiting your liabilities.  Let us help you identify the appropriate coverage for you and your tenants.

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Personal property

Appliances, furniture and other non-structural items need an extra level of protection. We have the experience and insights to help you bounce back in the event of damage, theft or a loss.

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Umbrella protection

$500,000 in liability coverage? Good idea. An umbrella that provides an extra $1 million in protection? Even better. Let’s talk and make sure you aren’t letting any potential liabilities go unchecked.

Condos. Homes. Apartment complexes. Rental properties come in all shapes and sizes—and so do insurance policies. How do you find the one that limits your exposure to risk and liability? Read more >

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Great coverage is easier to find than your next tenant.

It can be a hassle to get quotes for the things you want to get done on your house. But getting quotes for insurance? Goosehead makes that so easy. Compare plans and make a smart choice!

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